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[Emacspeak] Problem installing and configuring emacspeak on macos

I've followed all the dispersed guides as to how to get emacs and emacspeak work on the mac (latest version). I have installed the swiftmac tts, and as per the instructions in the demo section of the official manual, I've tested the speech server which perfectly works. However, I created the file in my home directory which would link emacspeak to eamcs, but whatever I tried there is no sound, no dtk speaking any welcome message and obviously no speech output from the speech server at all. I don't get any error message, emacs starts normally as if it had never loaded emacspeak. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry if I inadvertently broke some rules, this is my first time posting in this group.
I should also add that when building emacspeak there was no error or warning.
Thanks a lot!

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