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Re: [Emacspeak] What is preventing NixOS from packaging Emacspeak-60?

Functions with the prefix cl- generally indicate the function belongs to
the group of functions definied in the common lisp compatibility
package. This is a package which brings functions from common lisp to
emacs lisp, making life a little easier for those familiar with and
comfortable with programming in common lisp or for those who prefer
comon lisp style syntax and/or some of the more advanced implementations
of things like the loop macro.

The error message is telling you that at some point, when emacs tried to
evaluate some emacs lisp code, it came across the symbol 'cl-member'
which has no function definition assolciated with it. This typically
means that the package containing the definition of cl-member has not
yet been loaded. The cl-member function is part of the cl-seq.el
package, which is part of emacs. So my guess is that for some reason,
the code which contains the '(require 'cl-seq) is not being loaded
before the code which tries to use the call to cl-member. I cannot
provide any more insighyt based on available information. You probably
need to enable debug-on-error, look at the backtrace and try and
diagnose why there is a differencve in what is being loaded when running
nixOS packaging compared to a normal installation.

I don't know anything about and am not interested in nixOS, so cannot
help with that. In fact, emacspeak is so easy to install, I've never
found any packaging system, regardless of platform, is worth the
hassle. Installing from the git sources is trivial and much easier to
keep up to date.

"Esben Stien" (via emacspeak Mailing List) <emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I know;). They are getting this message: 
> Symbol’s function definition is void: cl-member
> ..in this bug:
> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/315408
> Personally, I didn't get that error, but another error that I posted
> here a few months ago, but if this gets fixed, that would also solve
> getting it into NixOS;)
> Any clues what this error can be?

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